What to Post on Each Social Media Platform

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In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for business professionals and entrepreneurs to connect with their audience and grow their brands. To harness the full potential of these platforms, it’s crucial to understand what to post and the type of content that performs the best on each one. In this blog, we’ll explore the key factors that contribute to high engagement on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter (now called X), YouTube, and TikTok. We’ll dive into content types, styles, lengths, and other essential details to help you create compelling content tailored to each platform’s unique audience.


What to Post: For business professionals or entrepreneurs, video content takes center stage on Facebook. Live videos showcasing your expertise, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, tend to perform exceptionally well. Additionally, consider sharing infographics, polls, and curated articles relevant to the industry.

Style: Maintain a friendly and informative tone in your content. Utilize storytelling techniques to engage your audience emotionally and showcase your entrepreneurial journey.

Length: For videos, aim for 1-3 minutes. Concise, impactful posts ranging from 40-80 characters tend to garner the most attention.

Details: Use Facebook Insights to analyze your audience’s preferences and post at peak times to reach your intended audience. Encourage discussions in the comments section to foster meaningful connections.

When crafting content for Facebook, remember that the platform’s algorithm prioritizes meaningful interactions, making live videos an effective way to engage with your audience in real-time.


What to Post: Instagram is a visual platform where high-quality photos, short videos (Reels), Stories, and carousel posts shine. Share your business journey, client highlights, and professional insights through captivating visuals.

Style: Maintain a consistent aesthetic with your posts to create a memorable brand image. Utilize Instagram’s filters and editing tools to enhance your visuals.

Length: Stories should be brief, Reels around 30 seconds, and regular posts visually engaging without excessive text.

Details: Use industry-specific hashtags strategically, collaborate with influencers, and engage with your audience through Stories’ interactive features like polls and Q&A sessions.

Instagram is the perfect canvas for you to visually narrate your business story, showcase your wins, and connect with your potential partners and clients. Consistency and authenticity in your visual theme help establish your brand identity.


What to Post: As a professional network, LinkedIn is tailor-made for business-related content. Share thought-leadership articles, industry insights, and success stories to establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Style: Maintain a polished and informative tone. Share industry updates, trends, and personal experiences you have in your business.

Length: Long-form articles (800-1,200 words) resonate well, but shorter updates with impactful statistics or quotes can also engage your audience effectively.

Details: Connect with industry leaders, join relevant groups, and engage with your network through thoughtful comments and shares. LinkedIn’s powerful search feature can help you discover and connect with potential collaborators.

LinkedIn serves as your professional playground, allowing you to showcase your industry expertise and network with fellow professionals and entrepreneurs. Engage in meaningful conversations within industry-related groups to expand your reach and influence.

Twitter (now called X)

What to Post: Twitter thrives on short, timely content. Craft concise tweets, share GIFs, run polls, and create engaging threads to connect with your audience and peers.

Style: Be concise, witty, and timely in your tweets. Use humor judiciously, and leverage visual elements like GIFs and images to capture attention.

Length: While tweets are limited to 280 characters, shorter tweets (around 100-150 characters) often perform better. Twitter threads provide space for more extended discussions.

Details: Use relevant industry hashtags, engage in trending conversations, and retweet and reply to industry influencers to expand your network.

Twitter’s fast-paced environment is ideal for sharing quick insights, industry news, and participating in relevant conversations. Snappy, concise tweets and engaging visuals will help you stand out in the Twitterverse.


What to Post: Entrepreneurs and business professionals can leverage YouTube’s video-centric platform to share tutorials, vlogs, product reviews, and educational content.

Style: Invest in high-quality video production, editing, and compelling thumbnails. Create attention-grabbing titles and thumbnails to draw in viewers.

Length: Video length varies by content type, but aim for 7-15 minutes for most content. Longer videos can be acceptable for in-depth discussions and tutorials.

Details: Optimize video descriptions and tags for search visibility. Consistency in uploading schedules is crucial for building a subscriber base.

YouTube provides a stage for showcasing your expertise and sharing valuable insights with your audience. Engaging with your viewers through comments and possibly hosting live streams can help build a loyal subscriber base.


What to Post: TikTok thrives on short, entertaining videos. Engage with others by participating in challenges, showcasing your daily work routine, sharing business humor, and offering quick entrepreneurial advice.

Style: Be creative, energetic, and relatable. Utilize music and effects to enhance your videos and connect with the youthful, dynamic TikTok audience.

Length: Keep TikTok videos between 15-40 seconds for maximum engagement.

Details: Harness the power of popular songs and trending hashtags, and consider collaborating with other TikTok users to boost visibility within the community.

TikTok’s unique format demands creativity and brevity. Finding a consistent voice and using music creatively can help you resonate with the more youthful target audience.


Knowing what to post, and crafting engaging content on social media, requires a nuanced approach. Tailor your content to suit each platform’s unique characteristics, keeping authenticity and relevance at the forefront. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to connect with your audience effectively across various social media platforms, enhancing your professional presence and influence. And remember that consistent effort and staying informed about platform changes are key to continued growth and engagement in the dynamic world of social media marketing.

Check out some of the Mortgage Marketing Expert podcast episodes to hear social media experts share even more!

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